The Survey was in May 2015, and it was a joint activity with the University of California Berkeley visiting group. The survey was for daylight and thermal environment of a building at Kanagawa Institute of Technology (KAIT). The surveyed building is a unique workshop that stands for its open plan, glass facade, and agile appearance. It was designed by Junya Ishigami in 2007, with the concept of having an internal space that mimics the forest and blends with the ambient environment. This concept was achieved by having a fully glazed envelope at all sides and having a scattered structural system that imitates trees. The building is daylit through several strips of glazed skylights. Hence, it was so interesting to survey the daylight patterns and comfort in such one-of-a-kind spaces. Besides, it was interesting to investigate the implications of having such exposure, plus the single glazed and steel construction on the thermal environment. We have found that the building is mostly over lit and users (students) had to adjust the working conditions by adding fabrics to attenuate the daylight either on the skylights or in the glazed curtain walls. The thermal environment and AC basic measurements, aided with subsequent simulations, showed that the building, due to its unprotected and light envelope follows the external environmental conditions. i.e. its temperature starts rising the moment sun shines on it and drops immediately with the sunset. Hence, this building exhausts a tremendous amount of energy in order keeping it at comfort levels.
- Part of the used insruemnts
- Survey group photos
- external view to the surveyed Bldg
- Internal view showing the scattered columns and teh skylights
- A brief discussion before commencing measurements
- Temperature sensors Data Logger preparation
- Horizontal – Distribution of the Surface temperature sensors 1
- Horizontal – Distribution of the Surface temperature sensors 2
- Vertical distribution of air temperature sensors
- Measuring the Globe temperature
- Sensors positioning 1
- Pottery and Crafts zone
- Sensors positioning 2
- Electricity meters monitoring the AC operation and consumption
- Curtains on the northern side of the bldg.
- Ad-hocs that occupants installed to attenuate the high daylight
- This AC type is causing local/spot cooling and creating big temperature differences
- KAIT Temperature stratification can be clearly observed on the steel stanchions
- Some Luminance camera photos
- Exterior photo for the targeted building