Our lab’s main focus is “Developing design process based on Building Physics and Engineering“.
If you want to carry on research, Knowledge about Building Physics and Engineering is INDISPENSABLE.
Also, If you want to study and carry on research in our lab, Japanese skill is strongly recommended.
Japanese Language Proficiency Test
We are not accepting Researcher(研究生) now.
If you want to study in our lab, please apply directly to master or doctor course.
You may refer to the reference and book list good for entrance exam below.
A must-read book list
We strongly encourage our applicants to understand and get so familiar with the content of these books.

Introduction to Architectural Science
Introduction to Architectural Science, by Szokolay, is a fundamental book that all students need to read. It introduces the basic physics of architectural science.
The first two chapters are intrinsic to our studies;
Part1 HEAT: the thermal environment
Part2 LIGHT: the luminous environment

Heating, cooling, lighting
For a more detailed explanation of architectural physics, one may extend his knowledge by referring to Lechner’s book, Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Sustainable Design Methods for Architects. This book is deemed to be one of the known handbooks in the field of environmental design and is used as a reference in many architecture schools.
In addition, we listed up other important textbooks that an applicant may want to explore prior entering the regular course, the list is;
About Japanese language
There are many foreign students in Mae-lab and It is possible for you to carry out research without Japanese skill. But it will restrict your activity, and you would miss a lot.
Besides, in some cases, you might be required to do primary procedures in Japanese. Your colleagues are usually so busy and finding support and translations is not always available. Therefore, having basic knowledge of Japanese is quite essential to study in Japan. In the “Japanese Language Proficiency Test”, You are recommended to get JLPT level N4.
( >>> JLPT Japanese Language Proficiency Test; levels and dates)
If you want to join research projects activities with Japanese students, then level-N2 certificate is required.
In this case, you are strongly recommended to read The Japanese must-read books list, as below “必読書 – 日本 :
最新建築環境工学 改訂4版(井上書院)
環境工学の基礎がおおむね網羅された必携書。特に 1章概論・2章快適条件・3章日照日射・5章換気と通風・6章建築電熱は完全に理解してください。その後に、7章湿気結露・4章照明計画を学んでください。ただし設備の記述は少ないので、建築物理の基礎を学ぶための本です。
デザイナーのための建築環境計画 ~熱・日射・光・風~ (丸善出版)