2019 卒論テーマ

GH2FD | Grasshopper -to- FlowDesigner Workshop
On March 2018, Mae-lab and AKL (Advanced Knowledge Laboratory- the developer of FlowDesigner,) organized a workshop about Parametric design & CFD. AKL Invited Assitant Prof. Tanighchi and Mr. Gao (aka Kumo san) as keynote speakers and panelists.
The first section was a tutorial on using the GH2FD, a tool that connects Grasshopper 3D to FlowDesigner. Mr. Gao, a Ph.D. student in Mae-lab and the developer of GH2FD gave a lecture about the basics of Grasshopper 3D and GH2FD. In the first part, basic ideas of the parametric design was introduced. Following the introduction, participators built a GH model of an office building, which was transferred into FlowDesigner. In the third part of the workshop, the outputs form FD were retrieved back and visualized in GH.

Comparing the various openings scenarios in the Grasshopper platform
The second session was a presentation by Mr. Yamato, from Maeda corporation. Mr. Yamato shared his practice expertise on using parametric analysis and simulations in projects. He concluded by raising the current obstacles as well as his prospect on the CFD-parametrization topic.
The Final parts was a paneling session with Q&A opened to the audiences. Mr. Taniguchi, Mr. Gao, and Mr. Yamato were on the panel. Participates inquiries reflected their curiosity on further understanding more about the panelists’ experiences with parametric design and simulations in real projects and in their ongoing research alike.
リフォーム研究 報告会 Youtube

1/25 日本エコハウス大賞シンポジウム
自分も審査委員をさせていただいている「第3回日本エコハウス大賞シンポジウム」が01/25にOZONEで開催されます。「楽せず楽しめ! 温熱デザイン」がテーマです。ご興味のある方はぜひご参加ください。

住宅雑誌Replan いごこちの科学・蒸暑の夏
17/06/15 進学ガイダンス資料をアップしました

FlowDesigner plug-in in Grasshopper (GH2FD)
Caution: GH2FD ONLY works with FlowDesigner 2107 or latter.
注意:FlowDesigner 2017は必要になり、以前のバーションはGrasshopperにコネクトできません。
Last update: 2018.1.15
- Slicer will output selected Data Branches, which were Data Paths in previous version.
Update: 2018.1.4
- Add ‘Normal vector displaying’ for ‘Perforated panel’ and ‘Fan panel’
- Add the icon of ‘FD_Extrusion’
- Fix the bugs in ‘FD_Extrusion’
Update: 2017.8.24
- The ‘Normal vector’ bug in FD_Extrusion has been fixed.
Update: 2017.7.6
- Outlet components updated.
Update: 2017.6.18
- A big bug, outlet components generate inlets, was fixed. The GHA file was renamed into ‘GH2FD’.
Update: 2017.6.11
- A component named FD_Extrusion was added
- Polygonal Meshes can be transported into FD as a whole.
- CN files can be exported for SloverExcuter.
Update: 2017.4.23
- The slicer output the GH_Path of selected elements rather than indices.
- Some components’ names were adjusted.
Last update: 2017.5.6
- Chapter.0
- Chapter.1
Download Link https://www.dropbox.com/s/3pjvrn2mvem7f8g/GH2FD_Manual.zip?dl=0
Sample Files (New!!)
Last update: 2017.10.17
Download Link https://www.dropbox.com/s/pm55b19t4gtkhdp/GH2FD%20Sample%20Files.zip?dl=0&m=
As Grasshopper3D is an excellent parametric modeling platform, this tool certainly features its geometry abilities. With this tool, you can convert the geometries (polygon & box) into objects in FlowDesigner (inlet, volume source, etc.) and set the properties. The modification you did in Grasshopper3D can be immediately reflected in FlowDesigner. The efficiency of modeling can be several times higher.
This video is a demonstration of the basic process. The number of inlets is controlled by two parameters.
Many configurations of FlowDesigner can be set in Grasshopper3D, including analysis range, external wind and analysis mesh division.
CSV Results
This tool can make use of the CSV output functions in FlowDesigner. The results can be visualized in Rhinoceros. A component was designed to pick up the results in a certain section, just like in FlowDesigner.
Automatic Loop
A counter will be triggered when the calculation finishes, which can be used to change the parameters and trigger the simulation. Automatic looping can be realized.
Demonstration of the looping. Each time the simulation finishes, one more box will be added into FlowDesigner and the analysis range will expend. Then the simulation will run again. The loop will run 8 times.
卒論ガイダンス 4/10 15:00-
E-Mail : info@maelab.arch.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Tel : 03-5841-6208
〒113-8656 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1 東京大学工学部1号館
Tel : 03-5841-6208

About Our Laboratory
Our Laboratory deals with “Architectural Environment”.
“Architectural Environment”……We are especially studying of Energy Saving in Houses.
Our Lab’s motto is “To study scientifically of Architectural Space”.
“To know necessity of physics” and “To utilize engineering in actual design”,
we are searching of better relationship between Design and Environmental Engineering.
We shall welcome one who is interested in design and one who is good at science and mathematics.
Please see what we are studying in “Theme” and “Members” pages.
Experimental equipment
We have prepared a lot of measuring instruments and experimental space for research. Here is the introduction for part of them.
Thermal camera
A device which makes Far-infrared visible. It has been used very frequently because it’s easy-understanding and compact.
Here is the thermal picture of the German house of parliament in summer. It’s very famous for its designer-Foster. The temperature of upper part which filled with heat is very high. Indeed, it’s very interesting to see famous architecture through thermal camera.
Rooftop Experimental house
Located in the rooftop of Engineering Bldg. 1, the experimental house can change its direction freely. Now it’s mainly been used for testing of solar direct gain in winter and solar shielding in summer.
Let’s see a example. Here it’s a video made by Mr. Horiuchi (M2 in 2017).
Plenty of sunlight get into room through south window because of the solar elevation angle is small in winter.
PCM has been put into the internal space of floor and ceiling. It absorbs heat of sunlight in daytime and release an night to improve indoor temperature.
Sun rise from southeast, become vertical in the noon, and falls down to northwest in summer. It’s total different for solar radiation absorption when we change the direction of experimental house towards south and east. Please watch the movie below.
There’s nearly no sunlight in the room when direction of house is south.
It’s awful in evening when direction of house is west.
Underground artificial environment experimental room.
It’s large artificial environment experimental room which can control its temperature and humidity. Now it’s been used for experiment of shower heater and cogeneration machine to evaluate energy-saving standard of residential house.

YKK passive Town, block # 2 (2015)

Aerial View of Block № 2
At this phase of the ongoing YKK project, we provided several environmental design consultation for Block Number-2
Project Leader: Kitagata Hiroshi
The YKK passive town project is built over the old YKK company housing site in Kurobe, Toyama Prefecture. The master plan was designed by Prof. Yuichiro Kodama and block number-1. Maki’s Comprehensive Planning Office designed the second block, where Mae Lab utilized the simulation of wind environment, the light environment, and the heat load to carry out the engineering verification of major design decisions of this block. Starting from the conceptual design, Mae lab suggested and verified the use of several technical proposals that shall enhance the environmental and energy performance of the second block.
Photos for the 2nd Block (credits: YKK Co.)

Street mall

Common space

Sun Room
パッシブタウン黒部モデル第2期街区建設計画について(More information about the 2nd phase of YKK passive town)
Photo Gallery
- Self-introduction of Ms. Lucy (Yanmeng, Chen)
- Alumni gathering party
- Karube_Japan
- Shelter in finland, by Koga
- Tatebayashi
- Students showing what they found intersting about Thialand
- Horiuchi_ Tai
- Group Photo with Dr. Stefano & Mr.Brendon Levitt
- Mr Kanto illsutrating the sunpath using the Hoenybee components
- students exploring the grasshopper platofrm
- Keynote by Prof Mae
- The banquet
- Exploring Mae-lab library clloection books on passive design
- Part of the used insruemnts
- first airflow simualtions using FlowDesigner
- Kibo_Tai
- Koga_Finland
- Mr Yamamoto introducing Flowdesigner to the students
- Kenji_Sudan
- Mr Fujiwara’s model for the library -Studio- project, 2017
- Nakagishi Naka_Finland
- Yukiko_Sudan
- Projects on display for final crit
- Using the Ladybug weather analysis, students were able to compare and conceive Sudan-Khartoum and Tokyo temperature extreme variations
- A memorable photo at the SD gate